  • Institut “Dr Josif Pančić“ |
  • Tadeuša Košćuška 1, 11000 Beograd

  • 011/3031-650

Broj/godina Naziv projekta
16 / (2021-2022) ’"Razvoj tehničko-tehnoloških modela proizvodnje i primarne prerade lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja u ruralnim krajevima Srbije u cilju produktivnog zapošljavanja stanovništva"
858 / (2021-2021) „Implementacija nove tehnologije gajenja samonikle vrste panonski timijan (Thymus pannonicus All.)” Inovacioni vaučer broj 858, Fond za inovacionu delatnost Republike Srbije, gde je dr Vladimir Filipović rukovodilac i realizator projekta (2021).
Vaučer 566 / (2019-2020) Studija izvodljivosti projekta pogona za proizvodnju etarskih ulja. Vaučer 566, Fond za inovacionu delatnost.
5594 / (2020-2020) “Ekstrakti industrijske konoplje obogaćeni nepsihogenim supstancama namenjeni za dobijanje visokokvalitetnih topikalnih proizvoda sa dodatom vrednošću”
Voucher 546 / (2019-2020) “Razvoj novog dodatka ishrani za održavanje normalne funkcije kože, kose i noktiju”
III 41030 / (2011-2019) Biološki mehanizmi, nutritivni unos i status polinezasićenih masnih kiselina i folata: unapređenje ishrane u Srbiji 
TR 31089 / (2011-2019) Morphological, chemical, pharmacological and agronomic characterization of Pannonian thyme (Thymus pannonicus All., Lamiaceae)
Vaučer 402 / (2019-2019) “Razvoj novog dijetetskog suplementa za prevenciju bolesti oka”
12 / (2019-2019) Program saradnje nauke i privrede, Fond za inovacionu delatnost DEVELOPMENT OF NEW BIOPESTICIDES FOR SEED PROTECTION - ECOPEST
OI 173011 / (2011-2019) The adaptive significance of ecological and genetic diversity in natural populations of plant species of limited distribution,
OI 173015 / (2011-2019) Biotechnology in vitro - cultivated, medicinal and endangered plant species
OI 173032 / (2011-2019) Characterization and application of fungal metabolites and determination of potential new biofungicides
OI 173021 / (2011-2019) Examination of medicinal potential of plants: morphological, chemical and pharmacological characterization
OI 172053 / (2011-2019) Bioactive natural products from wild, cultivated and edible plants: structure and activity determination"
TR 34007 / (2018-2019) Razvoj proizvoda i tehnologija koje obezbeđuju željeno oslobađanje lekovitih supstanci iz čvrstih farmaceutskih oblika
TR 31072 / (2011-2019) The state, tendencies and possibilities of increasing the fertility of agricultural land in Vojvodina
III 46008 / (2011-2019) Razvoj integrisanih sistema upravljanja štetnim organizmima sa ciljem prevazilaženja rezistentnosti i unapređenja kvaliteta i bezbednosti hrane
III 45017 / (2011-2019) Funkcionalni fiziološki aktivni biljni materijali sa dodatom vrednošću za primenu u farmaceutskoj i prehrambenoj industriji
TR 31029 / (2011-2019) Funkcionalni proizvodi na bazi žita namenjeni osobama sa metaboličkim smetnjama.
III 46001 / (2011-2019) Razvoj i primena novih i tradicionalnih tehnologiju u proizvodnji konkurentnih prehrambenih proizvoda sa dodatom vrednošću za domaće i svetsko tržište – STVORIMO BOGATSTVO IZ BOGATSTVA SRBIJE
III 46006 / (2012-2019) Održiva poljoprivreda i ruralni razvoj u funkciji ostvarivanja strateških ciljeva Republike Srbije
III 46013 / (2011-2019) Tradicionalni i novi proizvodi od plodova gajenih i samoniklih vrsta voćaka i vinove loze i nus-produkata u preradi, sa posebnim osvrtom na autohtone sorte: hemijska karakterizacija i biološki profil
9 / (2017-2018) „Kardio-protekt, mikrokapsule sa aronijom u medu “jetre“
IP-39 / (2017-2017) Tehnologija proizvodnje semena gujine trave (Silybum marianum (L) Gaerth.) u cilju obezbeđenja sirovine odgovarajućeg kvaliteta
IP-36 / (2016-2016) Tehnologija gajenja stepskog smilja Helicrysum arenarium (L.) Moench.
IP-37 / (2016-2016) Reformulacija fitopreparata Migresan sa antimigrenoznim delovanjem
IP-35 / (2015-2015) Formulacija novih polučvrstih proizvoda na bazi propolisa za spoljašnju primenu kod različitih poremećaja na koži: Mast za herpes, Krem za opekotine, Krem za psorijazu
IP-32 / (2015-2015) Formulacija novog fitopreparata sa hepatoprotektivnim delovanjem
IP-33 / (2015-2015) Formulacija novih polučvrstih proizvoda kod zatvorenih povreda mišićno-koštanog sistema: Gel kod zatvorenih povreda i Krem kod zatvorenih povreda
IP-34 / (2015-2015) Formulacija novih tečnih preparata na bazi propolisa: Propolis kapi, Propolis kapi za decu, Sprej za grlo sa propolisom i Sprej za nos sa propolisom
IP-38 / (2015-2015) Istraživanja uzroka pojave deformisanja cveta kamilice (Chamomillae flos) sorte „banatska“ na proizvodnim parcelama Instituta
TR 34021 / (2011-2012) Obtaining extracts of medicinal plants and propolis in different types of solvents with specific antibacterial effects
IP-31 / (2012-2012) Proizvodnja i zbrinjavanje komposta od biljnih ostataka nastalih kao nusproivod iz proizvodnje i prerade lekovitog bilja
TR 31018 / (2011-2012) Razrada integrisanog upravljanja i primene savremenih principa suzbijanja štetnih organizama u zaštiti bilja
TR 31068 / (2011-2012) Poboljšanje svojstava kukuruza i soje moleku-larnim i konvencionalnim oplemenjivanjem
TR 31006 / (2011-2012) Isptivanje mogućnosti korišćenja kontaminiranih voda za gajenje alternativnih, zdravstveno bezbednih žita
III 46012 / (2011-2012) Istraživanje savremenih biotehnoloških postupaka u proizvodnji hrane za životinje u cilju povećanja konkurentnosti, kvaliteta i bezbednosti hrane
TR 20108 / (2008-2011) "Wild and cultivated plants of the biozone of Serbia in terms of sustainable development of mountain regions - Part I"
STAR AAP047 / (2010-2011) "Possibilities of integral production of LAB in the area of ​​P. P. "Stara Planina" and other rural, hill-mountainous biozones of Serbia with the aim of diversifying production on rural farms"
IP-30/1 / (2010-2010) Updating the technological documentation of the Institute's products - Part III
TR-20035 / (2008-2010) "Plant products in the prevention and therapy of non-infectious chronic diseases in humans. Program: Technological Development, Project TR-20035, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia"
IP-30 / (2009-2009) Updating the technological documentation of the Institute's products - Part II
IP-29 / (2009-2009) Optimization of the extraction/production process of St. John's wort oil extract for external and internal use
IP-28 / (2009-2009) Optimization of the technological process of production of Palisept capsules
BTN 321003B / (2005-2008) "Standardized liquid extract of cultivated yellow gentian root (Extractum Gentianae) and arnica flower (Extractum Arnicae) for use in the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industries"
IP-27 / (2008-2008) Development of the technological process of making phytocosmetic preparations (anti-wrinkle cream, body milk with calendula extract and body milk with chamomile extract)
BTN321003B / (2005-2008) "Standardized liquid extract of the root of gentian (Extractum Gentianae radix) and the flower of gentian (Extractum Arnicae flower) for use in the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industries"
IP-21 / (2008-2008) Application of methods to improve the yield of marshmallow roots
IP-22 / (2008-2008) Controlled production of Silybum marianum Gaertn. in order to obtain standardized raw materials for the production of phytopreparations
IP-23 / (2008-2008) Research of agronomic conditions and technologies of cultivation of oleander (Inula helenium L.)
IP-24 / (2008-2008) Biological research of the species Acorus calamus L., for growing in culture
IP-25 / (2008-2008) Performing a macro survey with corn hybrids Yield Max
IP-26 / (2008-2008) Completing and harmonizing the normative-technological documentation of the Institute's products - Part II
IP-20 / (2007-2007) Dermopharmaceutics and phytocosmetics
IP-19 / (2007-2007) Creation of a Drug Master File (DMF) for selected products from the Institute's production program
IP-18 / (2007-2007) Relaxation massage oil and lavender essential oil in packs of 10 ml
IP-17 / (2007-2007) Formulation of phytopreparations from the sedative group - continuation of the project
IP-16 / (2007-2007) Completing and harmonizing the normative-technological documentation of the Institute's products - Part I
IP-15 / (2007-2007) Examination of the possibility of cultivation of species of the genus Sideritis in the agroecological conditions of Serbia
IP-14 / (2007-2007) Organization of buckwheat production for the needs of the Production Sector
TR 6937A / (2005-2007) Development of technologies for obtaining standardized extracts of hawthorn, dogwood, blueberry and aronia for the needs of the non-alcoholic beverage industry.
TR6846B / (2005-2007) Medicinal plants of Serbia, potential raw materials for the production of standardized phytopreparations and dietary products. Program: Technological Development TR6846B, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
19 / (2006-2007) "Formation of a collection of mountain rare and endangered medicinal plant species and multiplication of yellow lincura"
IP06-8134B / (2006-2006) "Production of standardized essential oils for the production of medical-cosmetic preparations."
IP-13 / (2006-2006) Development of seedling production for the market and the needs of the Institute
IP-12 / (2006-2006) Proizvodnja nesortnog i proizvodnog semena
IP-11 / (2006-2006) Study of phenotypic variability in autochthonous populations of valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.) in order to identify new genotypes
IP-10 / (2006-2006) Introducing into production and maintaining the genetic identity of the newly created chamomile variety
IP-09 / (2006-2006) Production of pre-primary seeds
IP-08 / (2006-2006) Organization of buckwheat production for the needs of the Production Sector
IP-07 / (2005-2005) Slimming tea drop and filter formulation
BTN. / (2002-2005) "Soil characterization for the production of high-value food from medicinal plants"
IP-05 / (2003-2003) Reformulation of products from the phytocosmetics group (day and night cream) and formulation of hand creams with calendula and chamomile extracts
IP-04 / (2003-2003) Formulation of phytopreparations from the sedative group
IP-03 / (2003-2003) Capsules with dry cimicifuge extract intended for menopausal problems
IP-02 / (2003-2003) Phytopreparations from the group of antimigraines - with dry extract from the plant species Tanacetum parthenium, standardized to parthenolide content
IP-01 / (2002-2002) Examination of the possibility of growing and introducing into production the species Tanacetum parthenium and Tanacetum larvatum as biological sources of parthenolide for the production of preparations from the group of antimigraine drugs
III 46007 / (2013-) Novi autohtoni izolati bakterija Lysobacter i Pseudomonas kao važan izvor metabolita korisnih za biotehnologiju, stimulaciju rasta biljaka i kontrolu bolesti bilja: od izolata do preparata